pregnant zebra danio video


New Member
Feb 7, 2005
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have a look at the movie to see what im sure is a pregnant zebra danio, quality a little hazy at first though and ignore the sound in the bg and give me your thoughts if it is pregnant or not thanks
Danios are egglayers so are not called "pregnant" like the livebearers e.g platies, guppies and mollies. Your fish could be ready to spawn or just fat like mine.
No. That would be cruel I reckon. And plus, she will need a male with her as they stimulate the females to release her eggs and he fertilises them.
If you want to raise fry, I would arrange some sort of large pebbles in your tank if there aren't any already. This is so the eggs can slip down through the gaps in the pebbles because once danios spawn they usually eat the eggs straight away. When they spawn, they scatter the eggs everywhere and the eggs do not adhere to anything so sink to the bottom.
Mine like to spawn about 10am ish in the morning :D Its great to watch. To collect eggs I disturb the jewels (I use plastic jewels instead of pebbles ar marbles. They were originally for decoration) and carefully try and catch an egg. Watch out though the Danios will probably try to eat them as your collecting them. And I am now bringing up fry in a breeding net.

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