Pregnant Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Dec 30, 2006
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I've got 9-10 Amano shrimp in my 29Gal tank, and about 2 weeks ago I noticed one of them was looking as if she was pregnant, carrying a lot under her back legs. She's remained in that state for a little while now, but when I did a water change on the tank yesterday I noticed that 5 were pregnant!!

Now I understand that the offspring aren't gonna survive, they'll either be eaten by other inhabitants or die due to the absolute lack of salt in the water, but how long is the gestation period for these shrimp? Wanna see how long they'll be pregnant for.

Also, is this usual to have this many pregnant at once, or have I just got some super-horny male amano in there?
I also have many amano shrimp laden with eggs right now, i've never paid them a massive amount of attention to the length of time of their egg carrying period so i'm not sure how long they usually carry the eggs for. Its a good sign though they are carrying eggs though, means you are doing something right with the amano shrimp at the least :good: .
Haha I thought their pregnancies might've meant they were happy with something! That and the constant bubble nests from the gouramis and I know they must all be happy in there :good:

I'll just keep an eye on the tank over the next few weeks, see how long they take to drop the sprogs!

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