Pregnant Shrimp Help Please


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2009
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Hi, ive discovered 4 pregnant shrimp in my 180l tank; 3 green singapore shrimp and a Black crystal shrimp.
This prompted me to set up a baby tank out a of a spare 35 litre tank! Problem is, the only filter for it is an internal filter that uses rena crystals! Ive googled but cant find anything specific regarding the welfare of shrimp and baby shrimps in a tank with rena crystals in!
Will my shrimp be fine in this tank or do the Rena crystals use some sort of filtration thats harmful to them?
Thanks guys!
I had 2 of my green shrimp in there but took the out after a few hours! They seemed very active at first but then i found them lay on their sides on the bottom of the tank. Seeing this i moved them back to my main tank into a hatchery where they seem not to be doing towell :(
Anyone know anything bout these crystals?
I'm struggling to find out anything about what rena crystals actually are, i've found lots about what they apparantley do :rolleyes:

I'm wondering if it could be caused by something else... have you used the tank or any of the equipment in/as a hospital tank in the past? I don't know the science behind it but copper can taint equipment even if it has been dry for a while. I have accidentally killed a shrimp before by using a net i had used before in a hospital tank to catch the shrimp.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you, they may recover now they are back in clean water but i wouldn't count on them pulling through.
Thanks for your replies guys! Well the shrimp are looking much better today! When i pulled them out they were almost completely lifeless, were lay on their sides and didnt respond to being touched or even pulled out of the tank! For a few hours i did think they were dead, but they seem to be moving almost properly now and floating around some riccia in their hatchery in my main tank!
Its the strangest thing but its as though something in the tank was paralyzing them, they were active when first introduced but then came lethargic and eventually stopped moving.
Thanks for the rena links, it does say they contain 5 different resins, and maybe they arnt used to this.
My brothers girlfriend used to use this tank originally and lost a few shrimp; but that was over the course of a week or 2, and we thought there might of been other reasons!
We bought new sand for the tank and new plants etc, could it be the sealant in the tank?
It was washed in quite hot water, so could this of causes some chemical to leak out of it?
Heres the latest update. I re set up my 35l tank today and put a fluval U2 filter in. The gravel had been rinsed with tap water and then thrown into the tank, and then the tank filled up with tank water from my 180l tank. I also put a few pieces of mature ceramic media into the new filter to give it a kick start!
However, after introducing my pregnant shrimp into the new tank, they became lifeless after an hour or 2?? I really do not understand why! Any help?
I need a new tank for my shrimps babies, or they will simply get scoffed by my tetras and co. :(
Repetive washing of the tank and a proper scrub of every nook and cranny with boiling water multiple washes. The gravel can be boiled repetitively say 3 times. Personally I would save the effort and set up a bucket or washing up bowl as a tank until the fry mature less effort ;)
Haha simplicity always works! Unfortunately im really in need of a tank so that it can stay in my room!
The sand is brand new, but rinsed with our shower about 30 times.
I know shrimp are sensitive to water, but all the small tank contain is 1 ornament, 1 plant and sand! It isn't a mature tank, but that shouldnt really matter considering ive put a few mature ceramic bio media in should it?
Ideally it should be cycled, but i doubt a couple of shrimp can produce enough waste to poison themselves in 2 hours.

If the plants are new it could be due to them, shops often use chemicals to kill snails that are harmful to shrimp. i'm not really sure what to else to suggest other than a different tank as it sounds like you have already changed most other things.

What fish are with the shrimp in the big tank? With moss to hide in some babies should survive and it seems to be the safer tank for them unless you have particularly vicious fish.

I'm glad the first shrimp are doing ok :good:
Hi shrimper, my main tank is quite busy, i have tetras, rasboras, cories roaming the bottom. My moss coverage isnt the greatest, im still waiting for it to grow large enough!
I didnt acclimatize the shrimp at all, (same tank water, temperate extremely similar) and its the darnedest thing. They have since come alive, but i feel bad using them as 'experimental subjects' since they are carrying babies.
I did a hot almost boiling wash of the tank to prevent planaria (came from a plant), could this have caused some sort of chemical leakage from the sealant, or possibly something to the glass if it is in fact acrylic?
Sorry for the spanish inquisition, but im totally stuck and at a wits end :(
Hi shrimper, my main tank is quite busy, i have tetras, rasboras, cories roaming the bottom. My moss coverage isnt the greatest, im still waiting for it to grow large enough!
I didnt acclimatize the shrimp at all, (same tank water, temperate extremely similar) and its the darnedest thing. They have since come alive, but i feel bad using them as 'experimental subjects' since they are carrying babies.
I did a hot almost boiling wash of the tank to prevent planaria (came from a plant), could this have caused some sort of chemical leakage from the sealant, or possibly something to the glass if it is in fact acrylic?
Sorry for the spanish inquisition, but im totally stuck and at a wits end :(

I transferred my CRS between two similar tanks with no losses without acclimatising them so i don't think thats the problem, although i am stuck as to what the actual problem is. The near boiling water should do a god job cleaning the tank, you could try using bleach too, but you have to rinse the tank carefully if you do.

With the fish, Corys should be ok with shrimplets but the tetras and rasboras will probably eat few, that said I would probably leave the shrimp in there for now, you don't want to stress them out by keep swapping them between tanks. You'll find once they start breeding its hard to stop them... they will probably have more eggs next month for you to try again and one or two of the shrimplets may survive. Soaking the tank for a couple of weeks with some big water changes will hopefully remove the toxins although I wouldn't use a pregnant shrimp to test it out next time.

Good luck :good:
Thanks shrimper. I guess what ill do is leave the tank on a fishless cycle! I dont have any seperate ammonia but adding a flake or 2 each week or 2 should help. The fluval U2 has carbon in impregnated pads in it, so hopefully they will remove what ever is in the water.
Thanks again guys!
Just one last question if anyone can answer.
My pregnant shrimp consist of 1 black crystal shrimp and 3 singapore green shrimp, do their babies need brackish water?
Just one last question if anyone can answer.
My pregnant shrimp consist of 1 black crystal shrimp and 3 singapore green shrimp, do their babies need brackish water?

Are your Singapore green shrimps Atyopsis Moluccensis? If so, then they require brackish water to breed. Crystal Black Shrimps breed in freshwater :)
Just one last question if anyone can answer.
My pregnant shrimp consist of 1 black crystal shrimp and 3 singapore green shrimp, do their babies need brackish water?

Are your Singapore green shrimps Atyopsis Moluccensis? If so, then they require brackish water to breed. Crystal Black Shrimps breed in freshwater :)
No but they do look extremely similar! Some have the same gold line down the back of them. They are a dwarf species however, they act exactly like the red and black crystals just look different :)

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