Pregnant Platy?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 14, 2006
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Southern California.
Sorry, I'm new to this stuff... does she look pregnant?

its hard to tell, if shes seems to have a black spot near her anal fin then yes,if shes been near a male then most likely, shes a good looking fish, i have one the one the same :)
I don't think she has a black spot, I've been looking for it. She just seems big to me?

Very nice signature.

Thank you for the reply! :)
:hyper: I have a platy thats the same exact color and she's pregnant she has a red spot and you can see the fry's eyes
I don't have platties anymore, but when I did I had one fem. one that was huge and I was pretty sure she was pregnant, yet she stayed like that for several months and then died :-(. Do you reckon she was pregant or just a greedyguts?
It looks to be female, although it's a bit hard to tell. She could just be fat. When you look at her from the top, is she very wide? That'll usually tell you.
can i ask a questions please ?
since this topic is about sister-inlaw has a pregnant platy and she had the dark gravid spot for quite awhile plus she went really huge.then over the past week her gravid spot has turned an orange colour and she is still quite big.she is unsure whether she has aborted the fry or she is ready to drop even though she still swims low to the gravel.can anyone give me some advice so i can pass it on.thanks in advance.
can i ask a questions please ?
since this topic is about sister-inlaw has a pregnant platy and she had the dark gravid spot for quite awhile plus she went really huge.then over the past week her gravid spot has turned an orange colour and she is still quite big.she is unsure whether she has aborted the fry or she is ready to drop even though she still swims low to the gravel.can anyone give me some advice so i can pass it on.thanks in advance.

I find with my plattys the black areais visible even on the males but is very small. As the female gets close to giving birth it grows quite large and she gets much fatter (she appears to be ready to burst). After she has given birth the rearmost part of the black spot becomes see through so appears to be the same colour as her body & she still looks big (but not that big that she appears to be ready to burst).

If she is in a community tank the fry may not been seen for several days as they hide anywhere (even under/between the gravel). Keep a close eye on the tank as the other fish will eat the fry if they get the chance.

To Kowalski.

My orange MM platy is no where near ready to give when she looks like yours. How long have you had her? Has she been near a male since you got her? If she is pregnant then it is early days but that's only my opinion & I'm just a beginner but can tell with mine almost to the day when she is due.
thanks for that bit of info LiveLifeGoJomp. i have passed the infomation on to her and she is pleased,it has helped her alot and she is keeping an eye on her tank.she hopes that she has got fry.she will be well pleased if in a few days she sees baby platies thanks again.
thanks for that bit of info LiveLifeGoJomp. i have passed the infomation on to her and she is pleased,it has helped her alot and she is keeping an eye on her tank.she hopes that she has got fry.she will be well pleased if in a few days she sees baby platies thanks again.

If there are plenty of plants/hiding places in the tank it will help them survive (but makes it harder for you to catch then if transferring them to a growing on tank :lol: ). I only found 4 after the first birth (in the main tank) but numbers increased to 66 last time (moved to breeder just in time) and all lived for at least 10 days. Not sure how many at the moment as they are in the growing on tank (112 in total), I can see 10-15 at the monent in a tank with 3 plastic plants but at feeding time the tank comes alive with them (I wouldn't win a game of 'hide & seek' with them :lol: ).

To Kowalski.

Upload another photo of her, after a week she may be showing more signs. Also tell us how long you have had her and if you have a male in the tank with her. Have a very close look just behind the black area, With mine I can usually see small circular shapes (almost see through) before the black area grows (this may be the fry starting & before the colour of the eyes can be seen) in the very early stages.
it died huh? well before it died was it's color lighter than normel? or was it normel?

my swordtail fish also died pregnant, and before dying her colour became lighter as well as the gravid you have any idea why she may have died?

it also may have been the fact that I placed her in a net breeder for a few hours because I thought she was going to give birth :(
Your fish is yellow, therefore it wont have a black gravid spot... it will be more of a red color, and you will be able to see teeny tiny little black dots in there (these are the eyes) further down the pregnancy you should be able to actually see the babies, this is easier with lighter colored platys... yours is a nice lookin micky mouse platy.

I have a gold twin bar platy that is yellow in color (gold if you want to call it that) that has dropped 4 batches, she is on her 5th right now, you should be able to actually notice the wieght gain (she should look like shes gonna explode) and her stomach will square off when she gets really close, and you should see the fry's eyes get really close to the anal fin (opening)

As for the person wondering why there platy was still fat and the gravid spot went clear, she probably did have babies... some platies will remain in a bloated state (mine did on her first pregnancy untill she dropped again)

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