Pregnant Platy?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
Scotland, UK
I actually posted this oringially in the livebearers section but I hope no one minds I have re-posted it here, to get an answer.

'I must admit this thread has got me a little worried about my own platty, I was actually going to post a new thread asking the same question, but I thought I'd bump this one.

It's slightly different though, my platty [don't have a picture] is alomost certainly a female, I'm about 98% sure and her belly is pretty round. However, looking at the piccie, her belly does not hang down as far and she is fairly uniformly round. She does not have any scales sitcking out, she is swimming around perfectly happily, feeding fine and keeps hiding in my little cave.

I can't see any evident gravid spot but I'm not untirely sure what it looks like [I know it's black,but she's red with black fins] and also I read that platys are pregnant for about 30 days so does this appear later on? The only thing is I know she's an immature platy [she's about 1.5" ]. We've had her for 1 week as of today and she's currently with 2 other red wagtails [both female] and 1 mickey mouse blue [male]

The water stats are as follows Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm and Nitrate 5ppm. This seems a little strange also as I didn't do a fishless cycle [didn't know about them].

The only other thing is we are currently treating the blue mickey mouse for fin rot with melafix! I'm off to get some aquarium salts tomorrowto help the little guy.

What does everyone think? Is she pregnant? Or is it more worryingly dropsy?

In both cases, what should I do?

Most likely she is pregnant, with my red platy I can usually see a small white bump coming out of her vent when she is pregnant. They only start looking like they are about to burst, a couple of days before she gives birth, so she could well be just slightly pregnant.

I doubt it is dropsy if she hasn’t got sticking out scales, but if you are worried take a pic and post it in emergencies.

It could also be constipation, so you could give them some de-shelled peas, slightly cooked, to clear her out, if she is.

Hope this helps

if you've only had her a week then id say she is pregnant from the store.

i bought 3 females yesterday and within 2 hours of getting home I had 5 fry. nowhere to put them though, i think they got eaten.
Thanks :D

I just wasn't sure, I know shes immature so it seemed unlikely that she's pregnant, but then she's perfectly happy so i doubt she's ill. I'll try and take a piccie to post just in case, I'm off to hunt for the charger for the didigtal camera!
I think my platy must have been pregnant.

Went out this morning she was fat, came home she was much thinner. :unsure: No fry though, probably all were eaten. :( I've bought and set up a quarentine/hospital tank [only 25 litres] anyway, if she gets fat again, I'll quaretine her. Only problem is I'll need to cycle the new little tank.

I have learnt sooooooo much in just 1 week of keeping fish!
Platys can get pregnant at 3 months old.

With some colours it is difficult to see the gravid patch, you just have to go by the size of the female.

Good luck with the next batch, they should arrive in about a month. :D :thumbs:
Platys can get pregnant at 3 months old.

With some colours it is difficult to see the gravid patch, you just have to go by the size of the female.

Good luck with the next batch, they should arrive in about a month. :D :thumbs:

OMG, You mean I'm still going to be a granny? :D Excellent!

LSF did say sometimes livebearers can be born pregnant.

I'll watch out for her getting fat this time and seperate her so the rest of those greedy lot don't gobble the babies.

I was looking forward to baby platties as well ! I'm well pleased :D
They aren’t actually born pregnant, they just breed from a very young age.

Hope you have fun breeding them, it is very enjoyable. :thumbs:

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