Pregnant platy?


New Member
Jul 13, 2003
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I just bought a couple of new females for my platy/cory tank and I think that one of them is pregnant. She has quite a fat belly, but I'm still not seeing the famous "gravid spot". What should I be looking for, exactly? Are there other signs that will tell me if she's pregnant?

I have a special tank for the platy to give birth in (a 10G with plants), how do I know when it's time to move her?

YOu'll notice her belly large for example when women have babies... :p Someitmes you'll be able to see the dark gravid spot, you'll probably notice a little darker area on the females belly.. But I'm pretty sure she is pregnant from what you've mentioned so far...

Don't move her just yet wait until her behavior sorta becomes lazy.. lol :)

Okay, Hello! Umm, lets see here, you will notice the "gravid spot" right above her anal fin. When you should move her is when you notice her being sluggish, and when she looks "squarish". :D i know it sounds funny to say it a fish will get squarish. But look at her facing a way from you and her tail pointing towards you, what you are looking for is directly on each side of the anal fin , it will look like corners. Thats when you move her. But , sometimes it is hard to tell but a few days before she has them she will look noticiably bigger. Thats when you move her.
i dont think youll see a gravid spot because you usully only see it on see-thru fish.If your fish is colored than you will not see it.When my fish are close to giving birth they stop eating and thats when i put them in.
Thanks all! I've moved her now, she is looking pretty "square" already, and was lazy ever since I got her (a few days ago), so we'll see what'll happen now.

Another question: how should my power filter and my airstone be set for the fry? Should they be running at all? I'm so used to labyrinth fish that I'm never sure how much the water needs to be oxygenated for other fish. :p

i'm not sure but i do know its better if you have no gravel cause from my expeirence they will get stuck under it. and really you only need the extra tank for her to give birth in i'v found theirs a beter chace of living in a breeding net then you take her out that way they can still be with their momy and her not eat them. ohhh its also better because when you change some of the water in a bigger tank the temperature is about the same fry dont like sudden changes. so after their born change about 10% of water every week. hey be on the lookout for more fry cause more than likely all of your platys are pregnat cuase they give birth about every mounth!! unless your platy has just recently became sexualy mature and hasent had a chance to mate yet. good luck keep me updated thanx :thumbs:

:fish: :fish: :fish:

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