Pregnant Or Should I Be Looking For Illness?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 18, 2005
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Irvine, North Ayrshire, Scotland
Hi just looking for a wee bit of advise from anyone with experience of Weather Loach

I keep 3 weather loach in a large (cant mind how many gallons but 4' by 1.5' by 2') coldwater tank with only 4 other fish(2 shubu's and 2 butterfly koi small enough for tank going into pond in spring). the loach that has got a bit on the tubby side is my oldest one ToJo, a regular coloured 3.5yr old. ToJo has always been a healthya nd active fish and has lived with MoJo the golden weather loach for about 3 years about 6 months ago I bought a young loach (JoJo). about a month ago I noticed that JoJo was swimming round and round both of the other loachs kinda like dancing and now Mojo the oldest has a huge belly and doesnt bury as much as he/she used to does this sound like breeding weather loach or should I be looking for something a bit more sinister? All other fish in the tank are happy and healthy and the water tests show the water to be spot on.

Anyone seen this before?

Its posible the loach is carrying eggs, a lot of loaches do this, although i don't know what the chances are of the loach ever laying them. Pics would help though to help rule out any illnesses which could be causing the loaches bloated look :thumbs: .

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