Pregnant Molly Still....


Fish Addict
Feb 23, 2009
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Here's some pics of my pregnant molly today, still hasn't givin birth...... Lol :blink:





I hope she has em soon! Cuz I'm getting frustrated now!...
how many threads you made? lol

be patient. I guarantee she will have them when your assleep or at work/school :)
yea little tip turn all the tank lights off thats if u have a nite light and turn the heat up a little just for the nite :good:
I agree it looks like she has the "white ball" by her fin. It will be soon though!
i know the feeling about waiting for them to give birth!
it seems like an age
just when you thought it was going to happen, its another week and counting lol!
but im just letting nature take its course now with her in the other tank permenantly

anywas good luck!
Hey, thanks all! And I know Jacky, at least 2-3 threads, lol, but I'm very impatient, it seems every week goes by and still no babies! lol but anyways thanks for replying peeps! lol

It was bugging me so I checked! I have 2 threads on this... lol anyways ya.... Sorry if I'm annoying people. It's just that I haven't had babies since August at least!
Hi! I just checked on her right now, still no babies, but from a top view she looks really big! Side view too now, just in the last couple hours I guess today, I haven't really checked on her a lot as I am sick with a cold, so I've been resting mostly. But anyways, gosh, I hope she has em tonight! That would be awesome! I don't know what the fry will look like, color wise, cuz I got her at the fish store (Petsmart) when she was already pregnant. So I've got no idea who the father is... Hmm, Anyways yepp! Lol
Thats great news. She seounds like she will be dropping soon.
Yupp! I'm so excited!! Hopefully she'll have more around my b-day next month! :)
Lol! Ya, that would be so funny! (and it's my 19th b-day too!) Lol, that would make it even more special!! lol
That would be great. Hopefully she can wait for your birthday!
Ya! I hope so! lol oh! I just cleaned my tank out really good, so hopefully it'll be nice for when she has her babies. :):)
To help move the pregnancy along you can turn the temperature in the tank up 2 degrees and then she will be more ready to drop.
Ya? Ok, I might do that, but how long should I leave it like that? Cuz it's already 9 pm here, and I'm going to bed in an hour.... Could I leave it the whole night like that?

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