Pregnant molly acting odd

Alien Anna

Fish Gatherer
Jul 10, 2002
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this afternoon I noticed my fattest, most pregnant molly acting really weird, darting about the tank and seeming distressed by the other mollies and guppies sniffing about her. She's swimming a lot slower than she used to (having had three kids, I kind of empathise) and she's having trouble getting to the food.

Having tried her in the hospital tank the other day, and then having to return her to the main tank due to a nitrite spike, I wasn't taking any chances. I've put her in a net breeder and I fed her on her own. She ate ravenously, but then she is a molly. I thought they lose their appetite when they're about to give birth? Presumably, the time isn't yet. Will she be OK in the net breeder? If I release her into the tank I worry that the fry will either be eaten by the guppies or SAE, or will get sucked into the filter.

I have no idea how long she's been pregnant - since I got her several months ago, it seems, but no fry to date. She can't stay in the net forever.
well they usually do lose their appatite.It depends on how big thebreeders net is because if it is small you couldn't keep her in it to long.I never have liked those breeder nets

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