Pregnant Mickey Mouse Platy!?!?!?


New Member
Mar 25, 2008
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IS she Pregnant?
And if she how long do you all think is due?
Oh yea she dont swim vertically, and very slanted.
Is that how they are when pregnant?



No, if it was pregnant i'd be worried as its a GUY! I think it has bloat. Google it to find a exact defiantion, but it looks like it to me. I'd boil some pea's, deshell them,a dn feed them to him. Is your tank cycled? How big is it? How long has it been set up? What else is in it?
agree with krib, there is smothing wrong there, possibly a internal problem...

Its 100% male
Thank You When i look at it i saw a guy anal fin but i got really confuse so that y i ask thank u
How to cure HIM!!!?? Like u said use pea?
Thank You When i look at it i saw a guy anal fin but i got really confuse so that y i ask thank u
How to cure HIM!!!?? Like u said use pea?

Yes, a boiled de-schelled pea. But i have some VERY IMPORTANT questions for you, that need awnsering.

1. How big is the tank?
2. How long has it been set up?
3. What else is in it?
4. Is it cycled?
Thank You When i look at it i saw a guy anal fin but i got really confuse so that y i ask thank u
How to cure HIM!!!?? Like u said use pea?

Yes, a boiled de-schelled pea. But i have some VERY IMPORTANT questions for you, that need awnsering.

1. How big is the tank?
2. How long has it been set up?
3. What else is in it?
4. Is it cycled?

I had my 10GALLON tank for half a yr, i have a filter and heater.
And in it are 2 mickey mouses and 3 angle fishes.
but recently, about a week ago, i bought 5 new mickey mouses.
The pictures I posted are from the new patch that i bought.
And, what do you mean by cycled?
Okay, first of all, you need to get rid of ALL your Angelfish right away. Cycled is having mature filters so your fish dont get sick. Im assuming you've had the same one for the life of the tnak. YHour tank is Severly overstocked. I would take them back to the petstore. Dont add anything else to the tank.
Wow, I thought it was a pregnant female til I saw the last pic. That's a male platy. Either very overfed or something more serious. Males don't get fat like that. You should research that, make sure there is nothing fatal going on there.
I just noticed this as well and this may be a problem also...........

Spines bending....

Ohhh, Good One 5teady! I didnt even notice that! I would narrow it down to theese diseases( or just overfed):
Fish TB

Or just Poor Water Quality and poor Nutrition.

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