Pregnant Light Glow Tetra


Fish Fanatic
Dec 17, 2005
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Yesterday i bought 12 light glow tetras and when i got home i realised one was preganant, but today all of the other fish are chasing her and she seems a bit stressed and her fins and tail are being nipped constantly, i dont have another heated aquarium to put her in, so the question is what can i do???
Ive put herback in thebag that she was in yesterday filled it with water from the tank and pegged it to the tank so shes just floating aroundin the bag at the top of the tank!!!! What can i do???? ive got some grass that she can spawn in but no where to put it!!!! Please help!!!

Regards Pricey
just an idea but if you have a small plastic container.

put tiny holes in the bottom and sides of it and put her in it floating intop of your tank.

that ways shes safe and stress free but still getting fresh water.

the fry are likely to be eaten by her or other fish tho.

are you wanting to keep them?

try give them some hiding places like a bit of plants with plenty of leaves if ya are?

good luck!
Take her out of the bag. That'll kill her. She's gravid - tetras can't get pregnant - they lay eggs. Having said that, she may also be ill or bloated. What else is in the tank and how big is it? Was it cycled? Perhaps returning her and a few other glowlights (particularly if the tank is quite small) would help.

BTW, this should have been posted in the cyprinids/characins section but that's ok.
When introducing a group of shoaling fish into a new tank, an amount of chasing and pecking is inevitable. It usually quietens down after a few days once the fish have learnt their place in the new social order.

Sylvia's point about cycling and tank size are valid, you don't say what conditions you have.
Take her out of the bag. That'll kill her. She's gravid - tetras can't get pregnant - they lay eggs. Having said that, she may also be ill or bloated. What else is in the tank and how big is it? Was it cycled? Perhaps returning her and a few other glowlights (particularly if the tank is quite small) would help.

in with her are 11 other light glow tetras and two dwarf neon gouramis and yes the tank is cycled but she was like that before i put her into my tank!!!

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