Pregnant Guppy


Fish Fanatic
Aug 11, 2003
Reaction score
Union County, New Jersey
I just purchased 3 guppy for my 10 gallon aquarium. So far, they are the only fish in there. Both of the females have the black spot under their bellies but the girls aren't real fat. Are they like swords and mollies that get square just before delivering or should I put them in a net breeder to be safe? I don't want to stress them but I really want to save the fry before eaten or sucked up in the filter.

Also, do guppy fry need liquifry or are they ok with powdered flake food.

Any other suggestions on rearing these guys would be welcome.
with my experiance; Wait till her stomach get's a little bit bigger. You can feed them flake food just Crush the flake food with your finger, or you can try crushing brine shimp "from experiance"... To be honest with you, I think it's fun to watch the female have her babies in the tank and watch the babies swim near the gravel. :D
I breed Guppies...So I would wait a little longer until the belly gets bigger..If you put her in there too soon it will stress her and my cause her to abort the babies..

I feed mine finely crushed up flakes, and a product called Fry Bites..I feed them 2-3 times a day
yeah i would wait a little longer as well and i feed mine on powdered flake and liqui-fry, hope everything turns out ok
Thanks guys
I appreciate the info and am looking forward to new fry. Sadly, I just lost an entire batch of baby mollies because my baby tank wasn't completely ready for inhabitants and the nitrites spiked. I have only one baby left from that batch, he's in a breeding net in my large tank and I think the net is the way to go so that's why I decided on using the baby tank for the guppies. Wish me luck!
Good luck, the guppies will only give birth when they look about to burst, when they start getting slimmer you can be sure to find fry in your tank, isolate the female also if she still has some inside. :)
Why are my guppies surviving and NOT my Mollies :angry: Heck, Guppies are ok but they take too long to mature. out of 3 batches that I've had 1 has survived and it's about 75% of an inch... My guppies are living and my mollies are dying :-( Why is that so, this is a 160 gallon aquarium don't forget ;)

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