Pregnant Guppy?


New Member
Mar 24, 2007
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Kettering, Northants
I've had fish for years, just never had one's that could breed. Thought I might give it a whirl. So, I'm pretty sure one of my female guppies is pregnant. She's hugs and that spot (I know what it's called, can't think how to spell it - gra....something is getting bigger and darker). Can someone confirm if they can make it out in the pic? give a possible length of time? please.

many thanks
Definately looks pregnant. I believe it's 4 weeks between fry drops or thereabouts. Mine usually stop eating the evening before dropping and next morning there's fry in the tank! I haven't managed to actually stay awake and watch any of them giving birth yet. They always seem to wait until I go to bed.
Daaaang that is one PREGNANT guppy! She'll probably give birth within the next few days. Look out for the babies! :)
You're going to get fry in the next couple of days. Make sure you have hiding spots if you want some to survive.
She is defintley pregnant my recent breeding guppy died good luck
She's now in breeding trap (I don't want babies eaten they're in with the Siamese fighter). I guess it's just a waitig game now. I've just noticed 2 other female guppies are pregnant too, just not quite as big as her.
Just make sure you watch her very closely. If she hasn't given birth within a couple of hours, release her back into the tank so you don't stress her out. Stress could cause her to abort her fry! If it does so happen that she pops em out in the tank, you could always take the Betta out and put him in a container until you remove the fry.
Just make sure you watch her very closely. If she hasn't given birth within a couple of hours, release her back into the tank so you don't stress her out. Stress could cause her to abort her fry! If it does so happen that she pops em out in the tank, you could always take the Betta out and put him in a container until you remove the fry.

I woke up this morning to a tank full of babies, with the betta in there too. So I've managed to get as much of the fry as possible, and put them in the breeding trap....I've counted 15 babies....I'm a happy girl now. 2 more guppies are pregnant, one due in about a week (thanks to all of you I can now roughly guess how long is left), the other not far behind. At what age will they be robust enough to take out of the trap and put in a different tank? I have a 20 litre tank all set up, empty except for plants and 5 tetras.

hugs Emma xx :good:
they can go back in with the fish or the other tank when there big enough not to fit in the mouth of the biggest fish and congrats, most our guppies are pregnant too :good:
Just a quick question as my other pregnant one gave birth over night, I didn't notice anything. I currently have one very heavily pregnant guppy, at the top of the tank, barely moving. She's breathing ok, and does move if the Betta comes near her, she's been fine all day. Eating normally, playing etc....but is it a sign that she's gonna have her fry immenantly? Please help, coz I don't wanna lose any babies if I can help it!
Emma xx
Thank you all for helping me with that. I now have 13 beautiful babies, that have been put in a trap coz they're in with my betta. I do have one other question. I was sold 6 male guppies a few weeks ago, and I did question the breeder because I was concerned that one, in particular, was a lot bigger than the other 5. I will admit that it was just as beautifully coloured (yellow's and orange's), but loads bigger. Well since being home, I'm 99.9% certain that what I'm looking at is a gravid spot, and I think she's pregnant. I don't partcularly mind, so I'm not taking her back, but can someone please confirm it for me. Thanks.

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