Pregnant Guppy !


New Member
Nov 15, 2006
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New York
I am fairly certain one of my guppys is pregnant. can anyone tell me if she will have the fry soon. I noticed this morning she did not eat anything, infact when everyone else was having breakfast she was at the bottom on the tank with her head down and tail up. Now she is hiding in the back of the tank under some rocks, amoung the plants. Does tis mean it will be real soon? I do not want to put her in a breeding net now if it is close because I don't want to scare her. If she has them I will try and save a few fry, but right now I do not have the space to save them all. Sorta mean I know but can't help that now. Thanks
Ok first of all
How bigs ur tank?
What other fish are in there?

I find Female Guppies stay around bottom and won't wat much near the time
Does she look HUGE like shes gonna pop?
she should also have a gravid spot

if shes hiding near plants etc then she could be ready I'd say 2-3 days maybe less

Also Breeding traps are BAD they cause stress and somtimes kill the guppie or make them abort

If ya gonna use one use the net version and keep checking for babys

Do you have ne pics?
Thanks for the replay. I have a 20 gal. with 3 female guppy 2 male, 3 female platy 3 male platy 2 cory cats. Yes she has a gravid spot and looks hugh. Yes she is hiding amoung the plants and under a rock decoration. Is there anything I can do to make her more comfortable or do I just need to keep an eye on her. Thanks

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