Pregnant Guppy


New Member
Aug 10, 2006
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as i am new to fish i will not know the answer to this question
i got 4 male guppys and 2 female guppys yesterday now there in the tank settled and a female has got a black spot at it rear end, what is this is it pregnant or is it normal plz help.
Heres a pic of the female, top of pic


The female guppy is preggers. The black spot you refer to near her ventral fin is known as a gravid spot. She will give birth every 28 days or so to live young. You will know when she is ready to give birth when the abdomen will become more square shaped from behind the gills to the ventral fin. Even if she has not been near a male, female guppies can store sperm and give birth to successive broods spanning many months.
one thing to mention is to every male there should be 2-3 female, so shes not stressed as males are mating machines. all the best with them donna :)
Cheerz Guys, i'll tell the rat bag when he comes back from where ever he has gone.
How far along roughly is she? I gathered that the males are like jack rabbits and can be bullys so i will get a few more females when i get paid on tuesday. However from what i have seen today one of the other females whick looks the same as the one above just more square has been nipping the slower males, (maybe a sign she isnt far off birth.)

from the pic its hard to say how far along she is, the other female you mention who has a square look to her and the mood change can well be a sign shes about to have fry,if she starts to hide you may want to turn off the lights so shes not to stressed,although a lot of the time mine give birth at night , when the females give birth the next batch should be in around 4 weeks time, all the best with them donna :)
now i know a nother thing about guppys.

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