Pregnant Guppy, When To Separate?


New Member
Sep 23, 2015
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Hi, I have recently moved so taken the opportunity to get back in to my love of guppies.
I bought a few males and females a few weeks ago and think this one was pregnant when I got her. I've put her into a floating box to take the photos but when should I keep her in there to have the fry? I'm guessing it will be soon?

Thanks :)

It is hard to pinpoint the exact time of delivery, but you are right, very soon! Her belly is very large and her gravid spot is dark. I would say within the next 4 days or so, give or take a day. Also, it depends on her enviroment. A higher water temp can help speed things along as well. Anywhere between 80-82 degrees Farenheit will do.
Is your tank heavily planted or have places for fry to hide? Sometimes the female can be stressed out be being moved into the breeder box. This can cause the mom to hold the babies in or give still births. This is not always the case. I have had both sucess and failure with the breeder box.
If you are able to be around the tank most of the day, I would let her give natural birth in the tank especially if the tank has many plants and hiding spots. This way you can scoop up the fry and place them in the breeder box! If you cannot be around the tank for most of the day or have little to no plants, I would place her in the breeder box. That way if she drops her fy while you are away, they will be safe from her and the other guppies!

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