Pregnant guppy problem

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Jun 12, 2021
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united kingdom
Hello i'm new here i am not new to fish keeping , but have never encountered this problem . I have a rather deformed female from LFS she seems happy and has had several lots of babies no problem , but she has gone way over a month and hasn't parted with her babies . Any suggestions would be appreciated .


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Give the tank a 25% water change using cold water, that should lower the temperature by about 3-4 degrees, which will simulate a tropical downpour. See that helps.
Hello I shall certainly give that a try , i do it regular for my cory's i didn't know it would help with this problem ...... thank you
Sadly i lost the guppy , :confused: now i have another problem i have 4 week old cory fry in a small uncycled tank they have been there since i took the eggs out of the main tank . I have been doing two clean ups and water changes daily from the main tank but just incase my guppy died of something catching i'm reluctant to use the water for my fry tank . At 4 weeks old can i use dechlorinated tap water for their daily water changes , i do have another tank but i am using daily fertilisers at the moment so am unsure if i can use that water too , any ideas ?? thank you

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