Pregnant guppy grounded


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2022
Reaction score
New york

Hi folks,

This guppy has been obviously pregnant for some time, but hasn’t dropped any fry for several weeks. She’s been hiding in low flow places in the tank for a while, but is now grounded and struggling to lift off the tank floor/furniture. Two questions:
- Should I disturb her by cleaning the tank to improve water quality, or let the fish be for a couple days and see if she improves?
- Is this shape normal for a pregnant guppy? I don’t remember my other females getting this humpbacked.

Thank you!

Tank details:
37 gal, rocks and small live plant decoration, sand substrate
HOB filter, charcoal, filter fiber (the blue and white stuff you cut blocks of), sponge over intake
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Gh/Kh 180 last I checked?

8 guppies, 5 cories, 1 bristlenose pleco

Temp: 73F, just down after ~3 1/2 weeks at 86 for ich treatment. The guppy in question was the one with ich.


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I have often seen pregnant guppies with a slightly crooked spine... But this...

There must be something else... She should have given birth between 20 and 30 days.
Well, could you also show a photo of the gravid spot? For I'm not sure if she's really pregnant or that she's got an internal problem (that can show also a swollen belly).
There must be something else... She should have given birth between 20 and 30 days.
If a pregnant guppy doesn't feel comfortable enough, she can even hold on to those unborn fry for longer.

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