Pregnant Guppies


Fish Crazy
Apr 12, 2006
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I have had some guppies for 2 weeks, they were pregnant when i bought them. The two smaller ones had their fry 2 days and 5 days after i got them. The two larger guppies look fit to burst :S.

The fry are still in the breeder tank as i am waiting for the other two guppies to have their fry before i move them back into the 50 gallon community tank. However i think the breeder tank is a bit small now for the first batch of fry but i don't want them to get eaten :S.

I think the two females are around 4 weeks pregnant as they looked quite pregnant when i bought them. Any ideas on what i should do?

Many thanks

I have had some guppies for 2 weeks, they were pregnant when i bought them. The two smaller ones had their fry 2 days and 5 days after i got them. The two larger guppies look fit to burst :S.

The fry are still in the breeder tank as i am waiting for the other two guppies to have their fry before i move them back into the 50 gallon community tank. However i think the breeder tank is a bit small now for the first batch of fry but i don't want them to get eaten :S.

I think the two females are around 4 weeks pregnant as they looked quite pregnant when i bought them. Any ideas on what i should do?

Many thanks


Could you upload a picture of your pregnant guppies. I think mine are but not sure, how can you actually tell? It would be good to compare
Are you talking about a seperate breeding tank, or a breeder trap? If it's a breeder trap, you'll definitely want to take them out. 2 weeks is about the max you can keep them in there without risk of stunting. If it's a breeding tank, how many gallons is it? What other fish do you have in your main tank? You could probably move them into your main tank, and just add in some hiding places and floating plants. Fry are pretty smart, they should figure out how to hide. :)
Nemo: You can usually tell if she is pregnant because there will be a darkend almost black area near her anal fin which will get larger and blacker the more pregnant she gets. I have heard the darkened area is actually all the little fish eyes that you see through the skin, im not sure how true that is though.
Are you talking about a seperate breeding tank, or a breeder trap? If it's a breeder trap, you'll definitely want to take them out. 2 weeks is about the max you can keep them in there without risk of stunting. If it's a breeding tank, how many gallons is it? What other fish do you have in your main tank? You could probably move them into your main tank, and just add in some hiding places and floating plants. Fry are pretty smart, they should figure out how to hide. :)

I have two tanks, a 50 gallon and a 12 gallon. The breeder trap is in the 12 gallon with the fry inside, i am aware i need to release the fry. However, the two pregnant guppies are in the 12 gallon i don't want to risk the fry being eaten, or risk shocking the females by moving them to the 50 gallon.

In the main tank i have 4 fish i am rehoming which are a Blackmoor (i know he shouldn't be in tropical now) a 9" Plec, a 5 " Plec, a Clown loach.

Other fish i am keeping are a Male Guppie, 2 male swords, 1 female sword (i am adding more females), 3 Arfak Rainbows, and 3 peppered corries. I don't have many plants in the main tank, and i don't want to risk any of the fry being eaten.
erm lets see 1st batch is about 15mm and 2nd batch is about 10mm very hard to guess through the glass so these are estimated they are very small still.
if they are big enough not to fit in the mouth of the largest fish (in the 12 gallon) then i would try releasing them, then if you see any chasing/trying to eat them put them back. Atleast this way you would of tried and if it works its much better for the fry, but if not they'll have to wait a bit longer.
I agree, I would try what lilfishie said. When my mollies or guppies have babies it seems like the other fish dont even care or try to go after them even immediatly after they are born.
Thanks for the advice, i have released the larger batch of fry into the 12 gallon, and the female guppies at the moment have no interest in them. Will leave the smaller batch for a few more days as they are quite a lot smaller.

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