Hi all i just need to ask a few questions as i have a few female guppies that i bought not knowing they were pregnant!
i have put all the females in one tank and all the males in the other as the males were stressing the girls out i had to put the female (see in picture) in a fry trap so i could take a picture to show you guys as i dont know how far she is and if shes going to drop?
if anyone could give me some advice and tell me how far shes gone what to do to help her if fry arrive how many water changes and how often i bought some first bite fry food for when they arrive and got a new tank up and running for the fry when they are here thanks
http/www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151251887188929&set=a.10150477635188929.382347.517578928&type=1&theater < link to the pic of the blue female
http/www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151251905248929&set=vb.517578928&type=2&theater < i took a short vid of her if that helps? thanks x
i have put all the females in one tank and all the males in the other as the males were stressing the girls out i had to put the female (see in picture) in a fry trap so i could take a picture to show you guys as i dont know how far she is and if shes going to drop?
if anyone could give me some advice and tell me how far shes gone what to do to help her if fry arrive how many water changes and how often i bought some first bite fry food for when they arrive and got a new tank up and running for the fry when they are here thanks
http/www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151251887188929&set=a.10150477635188929.382347.517578928&type=1&theater < link to the pic of the blue female
http/www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151251905248929&set=vb.517578928&type=2&theater < i took a short vid of her if that helps? thanks x