Pregnant Guinea Pig?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 26, 2007
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Can anybody tell me the easiest way to tell if my guinea pig is pregnant?

She's always been a bit of a fatty,but recently she seems to have gotten bigger and her nipples are more visible.

I had to put Bill (boy) and Belle (girl) in the same hutch a while back when his hutch got damaged.It was a 2 level hutch and i thought i'd managed to seperate them by removing the ladder and blocking the hole up,but by the next day they'd got thru to each other.

I've read about being able to feel babies when the time is close,but i just cant tell!

Any help would be great
I would think it's likely she is, only suggestion being that you make sure she has plenty of food available, and keep a close eye on her. It'll happen when it happens. Might be worth buying (or keeping an eye out for second hand/freecycle) a spare cage/hutch in future :good:
Yes, it does sound likely she might be pregnant.

How old is she? If she is young, then she should be fine. However, pregnancy can be dangerous in older females who have not given birth before, so if she is an older lady then be prepared for the fact that you may have to take her in for an emergency caesarian.
I dont know how old she is.we bought her at Pets at home almost a year ago and they didnt know how old she was then.She is in a seperate hutch now that she sometimes likes to share with my lionhead rabbit,they are always together when out in the garden.she gets loads of food and can clear a patch of grass in no time!
I'd expect she would have been a couple of months old when you bought her then. If she's about a year old then it's possible you might run into trouble. It would definitely be worth getting her checked out by a vet - how long ago was it when she was in with the male?

A couple of websites that explain a bit about breeding, and also the trouble that older piggies can have giving birth (apparently if they're over 8-10 months old, which yours is): - note the 'what age' section!
It was around early march when they were in together,but it was only overnight and might of only been for a couple of hours.

She doesnt look like that pig in the picture in the first link,shes more rounded all around not just on one side.
I will book her in with the vet and see what he says.

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