Pregnant Ghost Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
La Salle, IL
Well I discovered my biggest Ghost Shrimp has eggs in her and she's really huge now with the eggs. I don't really have a separate aquarium to put her in as the only 2 tanks I have is my 15 gallon tank which is a community tank with some cory's, otto's, rasbora's and a little 5 gallon tank with a betta.

Can I get one of those little aquarium net breeder boxes than hang in the tank or should I just let my fish have a good snack?

I wouldn't mind raising them but I'm not sure if I have the means to do it sucessfully tank wise.
You don't have what it needs to raise them it seems. As they are microscopic and feed on the tiniest of things and most small fish will eat them :)
Hope you check back in on this one Jay,
I have the same, what about the breeder net in the tank will they get through the slots or the holes depending on the kind you use?
and the ghost shrimp I have now eat regular flake food...can the babies (fry?) not eat that?
Or is there a how to raise ghost shrimp "pinned" article somewhere?



PS. Good Luck Araxen! :D
Well I don't know about ghost shrimp (mine are puffer food so dont live long enough to have babies), but my cherry shrimp and Amano shrimp are breeding like rabbits. I started off with about 10 cherry shrimp and about 4 Amano shrimp and now have literally dozens of each. They're everywhere in my planted tank! :) I've never fed them anything other than what they can scavenge in the tank.

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