Fish Fanatic
Well I discovered my biggest Ghost Shrimp has eggs in her and she's really huge now with the eggs. I don't really have a separate aquarium to put her in as the only 2 tanks I have is my 15 gallon tank which is a community tank with some cory's, otto's, rasbora's and a little 5 gallon tank with a betta.
Can I get one of those little aquarium net breeder boxes than hang in the tank or should I just let my fish have a good snack?
I wouldn't mind raising them but I'm not sure if I have the means to do it sucessfully tank wise.
Can I get one of those little aquarium net breeder boxes than hang in the tank or should I just let my fish have a good snack?
I wouldn't mind raising them but I'm not sure if I have the means to do it sucessfully tank wise.