Pregnant Females


New Member
May 4, 2003
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I have asked this question a few times, while replying to other posts, but no one seems to know the answer! How do I tell that my female is ready to mate, besides the fact that she is fat, that doesnt really help me that much! So if any one knows when they are about ready to bred please tell me if no one knows then can you say that you dont know cause I thknk mine is close, but i dont know for sure!

I heard that when the female gets vertical stripes on her body that means she is ready, and mine has those stripes now, so someone please help me!
i've also heard the same thing about the stripes but i was told that when they have 2 horizontal stripes they are ready.....thing is mine has 2 horizontal stripes and has done since i got it last week.....and my male hasnt looked at her twice so i cant be sure

hope this may help a little

another thing is that nothin will happen til the male builds a bubble nest....again this is just somethin ive been told
Well my female betta had one long horizontal stripe on her and thats what I heard it was supposed to be. But when I put her in the tank, my male acted like she had a disease and just flailed everytime she got near him, and just tried to get away from her. But now that stripe went away and she has like 4 vertical ones that were the same color, and I put her in there with him and he attacted her, and she seems kinda fat now, so i left her in there for a while, and he would leave her alone sometimes, but he couldnt build a bubble nest in the breeding tank I have for him, cause he tried hard for about an hour. Now I have put him back in his tank, and he has started on a bubble nest so maybe I will put her in there with him later tonight and see what happens! I dunno and I am verily cofuzzeled!

Thank you so much for replying to my post and if anyone has any thing to say please tell me!
I'm interested in finding out what happens with your bettas

My male built a lovely bubble nest and I have no I'm going to get one tomorrow and I'll set her tank next to his and then we shall see...I think that if I moved him out and put him in another tank that it may discourage him, after he's put so much effort into this particular nest, so I'm gonna go with the "put her in his tank" theory for now, and see if it works , if not I've heard a lot of people use tupperware boxes for breeding, at least I know that I have a ready & willing for the female
when then female got around the male did he build his nest because if he didnt that pair wont mate bettas have what you call tough love they breed very roughly based on everything that I have read about them if your female is showing her stripes then she is ready sometimes this will cause her to be egg bound I think that is the way I read this about bettas you are supposed to just let the male see her and see if he will start building his nest let me find that web page and I will give you the address I will get back to you in a few days with it I have it bookmarked but it is on my other computer that crashed but I think I can get it off from the other computer i had it short cut to the desktop to. It has a lot of good information on bettas and breeding them to.

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