Pregnant Clownfish


Apr 4, 2007
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hi, ive got a male and female occelaris clownfish pair. lately, they have been digging a hole in the sandbed and i was wondering if they were getting ready to lay eggs and if this is where they were going to be. if they are going to lay eggs, i have a pistol shirmp, 2 firefish, and 1 wheelers watchman goby and i dont know if they will eat the eggs. am i right in guessing that they are getting ready to breed?
Clowns dont lay eggs in the sand, they do so on rocks or other hard surfaces. Have they been actively digging through the area or have you just been noticing them hanging around an area of sand that looks like its been dug out? Very often when clownfish sleep, they bump into the sand bed in a particular spot and make it look like they're digging a hole. Although if they've gone all the way down to glass, they could be looking to lay eggs there...

Edit: Nothing will eat the babies before they hatch, the clownfish will viciously attak anything that goes near.
maybe its them sleeping then. they havent made it to the glass yet

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