Pregnant Cherry Shrimp...??


May 15, 2023
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I've noticed a change of behavior in my cherries recently. They are in a 10g heavily planted tank, with some tetras. For a few days a barely saw them, and now they are crazy. All over the tank, usually on the wood or glass surfing. I've noticed a few look bigger (see pics) in the back end, but I don't see any eggs. Could they be getting pregnant (or gravid)?


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Some of those look berried. Mine have gone through looking like that recently now I have a number of little ones, finally, swimming around. I will caution that there are some diseases and conditions that can cause the shrimp to get growths in their swimmerets but I don't see that in your photos. The zoomy behaviour you are seeing might be caused by a female shrimp with eggs in her saddle moulting, they release a hormone that makes the males seek them out so they can breed. FYI I am new to shrimp as well so I am only sharing my personal experience.
I had male amanos whizzing round their tank yesterday :)

Except for the most heavily coloured cherry shrimp it is usually possible to see the eggs under the female's abdomen and they could be yellow or sometimes green. I'm afraid I can't tell from the photos :(
I had male amanos whizzing round their tank yesterday :)

Except for the most heavily coloured cherry shrimp it is usually possible to see the eggs under the female's abdomen and they could be yellow or sometimes green. I'm afraid I can't tell from the photos :(
I shined a flashlight kind of behind them and I didn't see any spots, but they could be hiding.

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