Pregnant Cherry Shrimp With Other Fishes


Mostly New Member
Sep 6, 2013
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Hey guys ! I don't know what to do! My cherry shrimp is pregnant already! They have only been in the tank for 2 weeks now! Well guys I have a dilemma ! I have 3 other fishes in the tank 2 albino Cory's and 1 crown fighting fish. I am not sure if it's okay to keep them in their when the eggs hatch! Is it alright having the fish in their with them?

What do I do guys!?
dont think your corys would be that interested. i am surprised that your betta hasent tried to eat your adult shrimp yet though. baby shrimp would have no chance. my betta wouldnt leave amano shrimp alone never mind cherrys. suppose it depends on the tank size hidding places ect. some may survive but i doubt it to be honest.
guys bad news i just came home from work i found my cory trying to eat the pregnant shrimp, the shrimp is dead and i placed it inside the tube in the tank incase if the eggs may hatch. I am removing all my fishes asap.
wow. really dident think corys would go for shrimp. betta yes. sorry to hear your bad news. not to worry its hard to stop cherrys breeding so d dont doubt that you will have baby ones at some point.
I doubt the cory killed the shrimp, it was more than likely the Betta & the cory was just came across the body.
All my corys live with shrimp & they've never bothered them, not even the tiny babies
Chances are the betta ate the cherry skrimps.. Oh de-velle..
I highly doubt it was the cory mine dont bother with anything including shrimp. My guess it just died or the betta attacked it. All fish hover around dead shrimps or fish for food n sometimes look the culprit when they arent! X
I dont think the corys would of done that, I have kept corys and cherry shrimp toghether several times and they have never touched an adult shrimp they have eaten a few babys thou

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