Pregnant Balloon Mollys


New Member
Mar 1, 2004
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I dont know if I am just being stupid but I have a white (male) and black (female) balloon molly. They have been at it a lot lately, how will I tell if its pregnant and how long does it take etc ?
You should post this over in the livebearers forum. The molly once pregnant will get even larger than it is now and it will take on a very square shape in the belly area at the back and front. Watch carefully the first time it has babies and mark that day on the calendar. If true to molly form she will have fry about once every 4 weeks. But mollies are a little more temperamental than the other livebearers and will sometimes go for as long as 6 weeks between broods. But if you watch carefully at her size, shape and behaviour this time you will know more the next time so just watch for the same conditions starting around 4 weeks after the first brood. HTH :)
LOL if they have been at it a lot I'm sure she is either pregnant or will be soon. Haven't heard of Mollies with infertility problems :D !! Have fun!!


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