well in my 15 gallon tank i have 9 harlequins and 6 corydoras trilineatus. I also have a 10 gallon tank which has just about finished its semi-cycle (filter media was mature when i bought it but alot of the bacteria died off) which was going to be used as part of a cory breeding setup (it was going to be used for the adults to spawn in). Now, these c. trilineatus were not meant to be for breeding, just your average bunch of cories. The other day I purchased some live bloodworm, just to give them a bit of variation. Ive fed them this practically every day, for no other reason than they seem to like it (alot
), and this morning i did a water change with cold water. So it seems ive been conditioning them to spawn without even meaning to
. Now, there are these 2 cories, definitate male and definate female, female looking pretty eggy as of today, and she is clearly identifiable by her eggyness, the male is also clearly identifiable by his markings, so these have always been the same 2 cories. They have been doing textbook pre-spawning acivity, first off (and still going on) the chase, this male will not leave the eggy female alone, he zips after her and sticks by her side every second, nobody else. Secondly, T-position, every couple of minutes or so, the female pins the male into the T-position, now, this is no "get outta the way!" nudge, they are up to something
. I am yet to see any eggs though. This has to be pre-spawning activity right?
at least ill be prepared for eggs as ive been gradually building up a cory breeding setup, i can put the eggs into the 10g asap before they get eaten until they get bigger when i'll have to get a bigger fry growout. I'm even getting a microworm culture within the next day or two (and grindal worm).