Praying Its Not Ick..


Fish Crazy
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Well if it is doesnt look like ill be able to get rid of my icky sand, cause treating would mean i have to remove my filter..

Anyways.. long and short, I caught my platy rubbing herself on the driftwood today (head area, she was going sideways and scratching). She hasnt done it since but on a closer inspection she has one white spot on her tail. Is this ick? I have no idea how it came about my tank is fine and nothings been added lately.

If it is ick.. i have pimafix that ill use. Question: it says it's safe for catfish which is good for my cories BUT will it be ok for my african dwarf frog and shrimp? It says its ok with invertibrates but I cant exactly remember what that consists of, apologies.

Thanks in advance- the sooner someone can confirm my questions the better, as i'd like to stop it before it gets worse/spreads.. providing that this one tiny, tiny white spot is ick.
It does sound like ich. Ich usually shows up when you add new fish or when the water paramiters are off, so you need to check those.

Primafix does not treat ich. I have read the bottle, and it talks about fungal and bacterial infections, but doens't make reference to parasites. You will need to read the lables at the shop. The meds I use are not safe to use with shrimp (not sure about the ADF). Also, if you have cats, you may need to use half the dose of whatever parasite med you use.

Slowly begin increasing the temperature in your tank, but watch for signs of stress within the ADF, cats, and the shrimp. Ideally, get the temp between 82-84 degreese. You may need to remove the ADF and shrimp, not sure. If you cannont raise the temperature, it will mean that you will need to treat for a longer period of time.

Here is a link wiht some more info about ich for you.
the spot is the only one, the fish is no longer scratching.. there are no spots spreading.. could this be a fungus?
The spot how big is it, does it have a circling of red around it, or a red centre, is there any fluff on it.
Thanks for the replies.

The spot looks like an ich spot. Now I have a new problem..

I put one of my 3 platies (the one i mentioned above) into the hospital tank and she is being treated for ich/ick.

However, tonight I am noticing that another one of my platies that was in with her is acting strange. This platy is twitching, like it's trying to look up or something, it's body bends in like a U shap upwards (not much though). One of her gills looks a little irritated.

Could this be ich too? I dont see ANY white spots on her, just these weird movements.
Yes that normal twitching and the gill being irratated but the body twisting dosn't sound right.
the problem is about 50% of the things in my tank cant be exposed to the meds. ill remove this girl and put her in with her tankmate.

hope they get along in a small area.
my lfs didnt have any, and i had to treat because my other fish had already been sick with it for 2 days (ive been sick myself, so someone picked up the stuff today).

I spent 10 bucks on this new stuff, no real desire to spend even more. ill see how the hospital tank works- worse comes to worse and it comes back I can always buy a new med. My hospital tank is only about 2 gallons, and im using an airstone for circulation. I intend on treating for 3 days. there are two platies in there. not ideal but it should work. I added some of my original substrate to deal with waste, and all of the water is from the home tank.

Of the creatures in the tank that can actually be exposed to the ich medicine I have 3 platys and a betta.. the two platies are being treated now, so the other two can be treated if anything shows up.
Just keep a close eye on them. I'm not sure if ich can infect shrimp or frogs. Be sure to do some water changes and frequent gravel vacumes. It would probably benefit you to raise the temperature in the other tank as well, just to speed up the ich life cycle
Well you will have to move the frogs and strimps as they can't tolerate the med.
Moving the shrimp and frogs is my next option, good idea. No need to buy new meds. I'll update once my 3 days are done (this med is supposed to be really good.)

Unfortunately I cant raise the other temp in the small hospital tank, because it has no heater (terrible, i know!) the temp is steady at about 76-78(thermometer from my main is in there atm). I know this isnt warm enough but I was told that if i treat with this then it will go away, although i will see better results turning the heat up. Im new to the hobby so a proper hospital tank is in the works just so you all know. I'm on it :lol:

Water changes haven been consistent lately at about 25% per 2 days to clear tannins. Those will help with the ich if it sticks around I take it?

Oh, also.. can Cory cats get ich? Mine are albino so this would be a pain in the butt to notice the spots if they do. (not to mention that they move so fast and love to hide)
Ok, knowing that about your hospital tank, i would definately recomend you move the shrimp and frog to the other tank, and treat the main tank. The reason is because the life cycle will be greatly sped up, and you will be medicating for a shorter period of time.

Cories can get ich, but as they are cats, you need to read the directions because they are more sensitive to meds.

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