Prawns And A New Home For A Pictus.


New Member
Sep 1, 2007
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Hello, My first post. Hope you don't mind but I have two questions.

I have a Pictus and I think I read somewhere that they love Prawns. I would like to give mine a treat but dont want to give him anything he shouldn't have.

Also he shares the tank with an Albino shark and a large Angel. The Angel is very greedy and will pobably get to the prawn before the pictus so again I wont put prawn in if it will be bad for the other fish.

Only 3 fish but the Angel is really big now (7/8 inches tall) and the Pictus is 5 inches and still growing and the Albino shark is also about 4/5 inches.

They are looking quiet big in a small 60L deep tank (bad advice when I bought them) so I will soon be getting a bigger 180/240L tank but...... Any suggestions as to what other fish I can put in with the angel and the pictus who are both large and apparetly both enjoy eating smaller fish. (there were some Silver tip tetras that disapeared :unsure: )

That tetras going missing, that would have been your pictus. Pictus cats are Schooling fish, so for stocking ideas i would say add another two pictus, your old one will become alot happier, n alot more active, thse guys look great in groups! :good:

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