Prairie Dogs And Ground Squirrels


New Member
Apr 9, 2007
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Can anyone advise if these two first-cousins get along if housed in the same cage?
You keep these animals in a cage ? :sad:
It's hard not to judge, but these are really not animals that are meant to be kept in a cage or even as pets :/
In my opinion it's just wrong.

So no - mixing them would be out of the question.

An article on Prairie Dogs as "pets"

And I sincerely hope that this isn't the way people keep ground squirrels as pets

When you first bring your ground squirrel home, hold it even if it protests. You may use gloves if necessary and must not let the ground squirrel loose. If the ground squirrel bites, discipline it. Never let it jump out of the cage when you open the door. You must always have it jump or walk into your arms and then you may put it down. A ground squirrel must be taught that you are the boss. You must not give an inch with them while they are pups. Once a ground squirrel has bonded with you, it will love you like its own family. A ground squirrel has a variety of vocal signals and body movements which you must learn to recognize and respect.

Would people seriously do this? :-(
I wouldnt mix any species.I know loads do keep PDs in cages but i think if they are CB and must be kept they should live in a large enclosure

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