

Fish Addict
Dec 28, 2005
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What do powerheads do?, do you attach them to your filter to make it more powerful?
You can use powerheads to power under gravel filters, They are also used to provide areation and current for your tank and fish.They also help to keep crap suspended long enough for your filters to eventually suck it up.
power heads ca be used for airation or to draw water through under gravel filters, they can cause rapid water movment in small tanks so make sure your fish do not mind moving water. B)
I use them to make filters;

Wow, nice filter.
Im interested in how it can become an airpump?
Powerheads with a venturi tube will provide some air bubbles, if that is what you are looking for. Powerheads pump water, air pumps pump air. The venturi tube goes directly after the output of the powerhead, using the decrease of pressure to suck some air into the water flow. It's just a little piece of airline tube that goes from the powerhead to just above the water line.
By aiming the outlet of the PH at the water's surface you will provide agitation of the surface allowing a greater rate of as exchange and thus more stable oxygen levels in the tank.

They are also used a lot in reef aquraria to get the flowrate up to a desired level.

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