Powerheads And Timers


Fish Crazy
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
houston TX
ok as some of you might know i just got 2 maxijet 900 powreheads to replace 2 old marineland 550 that were not efficient anymore. i also have a penguin powerfilter W/ only media being carbon,and that material to catch debris( wich is really why i keep it in it catches a bunch of stuff including food :blush: ) plus the added surface aggitaion .but it gets cleaned up every week . well my two clowns are not used to having so much water flow. ( its 30 gal tank by the way 3' wide.) now with 230+ 230 + 280= 740 gph turn over. that about 24 X turn over.

i never had my old 550 on timers. i was wondering on some of your set ups do you
have timers on them im thinking of having the powerhead im using for surface agitation off @ night since my clowns like 2 sleep on the surface? how log do you all have them on / off .any imputs on this ... as always any help is always appriciated. :good:
The only timers I would put on them would be a wavemaker so the flow is more randomized. Personnaly I think you can never have too much flow, unless your sand is flying around the tank!

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