Powerhead Placement


Team TetraTEC
Global Moderator ⚒️
Aug 19, 2011
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Just wanted to know what the best place would be to fit a powerhead? and at what angle.

I have a 200l tank, External Filter Spray Bar is at one end (spraying towards the front of tank), and the Filter pick up pipe is at the other end. Would it be a good ideal to locate power head near pick up pipe? or would it be better at the spray bar end?
I run two external filters on both my bigger tanks and have the outputs at different ends of the tanks, so in theory you should have the powerhead at the opposite end to the spraybar.
Thanks, lol you may as well give me your mobile number so I can text you all my questions!!

You have been very helpfull to me :good:

Do you think it would be best to locate powerhead at top or bottom of tank (front or back)? im thinking at the top (front) pointing towards the opposite bottom corner (back) of the tank. If that makes sense??
All mine have always been about an inch under the water surface which gives a nice ripple to the surface for oxygen transfer.

Can you have your spraybar vertical rather than horizontal?
All mine have always been about an inch under the water surface which gives a nice ripple to the surface for oxygen transfer.

Can you have your spraybar vertical rather than horizontal?

Just had a look and it seems not! I assume (if you are running them stock) the spray bar would be the same as your EX1200's but a bit shorter. I guess I could bodge something if it would be of any benifit.
I haven't tried it either, but i wonder if you could buy a piece to make the spraybar vertical as this would give flow through out the whole tank and then leave the powerhead to deal with the surface rippling.
I haven't tried it either, but i wonder if you could buy a piece to make the spraybar vertical as this would give flow through out the whole tank and then leave the powerhead to deal with the surface rippling.

It looks like it can be done, just a case of removing the 90 degree angled piece and fixing the spraybar vertical with glue or any other suitable means.
It would help with a planted tank like you are hoping to create. :) The idea is that there are no dead spots in the tank... agitation and flow are key in a planted tank. A very important factor that is often forgotten.
Very true, I will experiment with the 1 power head and if no joy I will buy a second power head.

Would be nice to get away with just the 1 as I want as little equipment on show as possible.
You won't need another powerhead. As long as the plants show gentle movent then that is adequate mate. Too much and your fish won't be able to swim in the current and your plans may get uprooted.

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