Powerhead For 10g Nano


Apr 2, 2007
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Vermont, US
I'm going to set up a spare 10gal as a Nano and was wondering about a powerhead. I have a brand new Eheim Aquaball 2210. Without any of the filters attached to the ball it has a pretty good jet of water.

Does anyone know the flow rate and would it be enough for a 10 gallon?
Well at 142gph its a very good flow for a 10g, you should be looking at a flow of roughly 10x your tanks volume, if you want corals about 15-20x. So that means about 100gph or 200gph. So, that means you could use your eheim. If you take off the powerhead is there a cover to protect things from clogging up the impellar because if there isnt and livestock get sin well its a gonna. If you don't want to use it, you could always try a hydor korali nano, they seems good and would be great for your size tank :good:

Bought one last night! I hadn't read your post but figured I'd shoot for around 200gph. I did a little reading and found they were popular, bingo i had my powerhead.

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