Power Outage - Please Help!


Jan 16, 2016
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Just got home and the power is out. There's been a major storm and it has knocked out power in a wide area, so I don't know when it will be back up. I don't know how long the filter has not been running but I am really worried. I have been scooping up water and pouring it back in the tank, but I don't know if this is helpful to them or not and how frequently I need to do this in order to keep their tank properly oxygenated. Should I attempt a water change to help with the oxygen? Are there other issues I'm not considering? Please help!
The only way to get oxygen into the tank is through water movements. Normally if power outages are a common thing you can buy a battery powered air pump, Bit useless at the minute but for future.
If you have anything that could create water movement and is safe, Best bet. Otherwise wait it out. Filter bacteria will normally last a fair while so long as it's still underwater. Once power is back on I suggest a large waterchange anyway.
If you have live plants in the tank and its not overstocked it shouldnt be a problem for a few hours or a day.
I have been scooping up water and pouring it back in the tank,
That will work.

How to make an air pump for aquarium. uses no electricity
Thank you both for responding. I am totally freaking out about the poor fish. If the stores were still open I would go buy a battery operated pump, but of course this has to happen at night after everything is closed. At least it is summer. If this was winter and I had to worry about the water temperature, I don't know what I would do.

Would a water change give them more oxygen? It would, right?
Yes, but remember you are adding cold water to the tank and your heater is not working
That's true. ARGH! So frustrating! I REALLY REALLY hope the power comes back on soon. :(
Make the bottle thing like in the video you can use big Coke bottles it actually works.
for future reference - if the power goes out in the winter you can keep the temperature up in the tank by covering it with blankets/duvets or such like. It will drop a little bit but it will help. Fish can cope with slight changes in temperature for a short period. So long as your filter media stays wet there should be no problem with the bacteria 
The power was out for at least 12 hours. Thankfully, all the fish survived! I was unable to make the cool bottle pump because I don't have any tubing. I do plan to get a battery operated pump though. Also, we're looking into getting a generator for the house. Thank you all for helping me and the little fishies. :)
The power was out for at least 12 hours. Thankfully, all the fish survived! I was unable to make the cool bottle pump because I don't have any tubing. I do plan to get a battery operated pump though. 
Instead of a battery pup I would look at the backup power supplies that are available for computers.  With one of shose you can power the air pump, filter, and heater if the power goes out.  How long it would last depends on the power neeeded to run the tank and how large the battery backup lasts.
I have a battery powered pump for such emergencies. Also what I find handy to have is a foam polystyrene box like they use to store broccoli in. It makes an excellent emergency fish tank if I have a leak in one, or cracked glass.

These are great tips. Thank you so much! There should be a pinned post that is all about what to do in case of emergencies like this. I never knew there was such a thing as backup power units for computers, and if I had known, I don't know if I would have thought to use it for the aquarium. What a great idea! Also, I really like the bottle-and-tube trick. Got to love physics, right? Also, I never thought about what to do if I had cracked glass or a leak. I do have a cooler but it is buried in the basement. I'll have to make sure I know where it is, just in case.

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