power head or air block?


Apr 15, 2004
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Essex, Kirby
At the moment in my 25 gallons i have a UGF running with 2 up lift tubes with air blocks in each one, just wondering if I should put powerheads on instead?

another up side for me is that powerheads run quieter, being in my bedroom I could benefit aswell!!
well, if you dont mind spending the money to get some power heads marineland are very good for ugfs. They make it a much more effecient filter. here is a link to big als online
Ah ha....US site though, i'm in the UK.

Think I'll look out from some on ebay when I have spare dosh. Wll have to see if I can fit one in aswell, as my tank has the side shelfs which could get in the way quite a lot
Powerheads are much more efficient then air lifts. Remember to turn them off when dropping the water level though for cleaning etc., they need to be underwater whilst running and can overheat and distort if they loose their cooling water.
Those defusers and even the air tubing can clog up quick , go for the power head , you'll be glad you did .
Lateral Line said:
Powerheads are much more efficient then air lifts. Remember to turn them off when dropping the water level though for cleaning etc., they need to be underwater whilst running and can overheat and distort if they loose their cooling water.
good advice

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