Power Head For Tetratec 1200


Jul 14, 2007
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Basingstoke, Hants. UK
I have a rena XP3 and it has a power head rather than a spray bar an my fish love playing in it.

Im looking at buying an ex1200 (2 infact) but don't want a spray bar fitting. are there ends online i can buy??? i want to sell my xp3 so keeping the head is not possible.

You can run them without the spray bar, with a "jet nozzle" fitted, but TBH it isn't much of a jet... If you want a venturi, you will need to modify the output with a drill, and also paralell rig them together to get enough flow to drive it.... :good:
You can run them without the spray bar, with a "jet nozzle" fitted, but TBH it isn't much of a jet... If you want a venturi, you will need to modify the output with a drill, and also paralell rig them together to get enough flow to drive it.... :good:

Thats what i mean by power head (Jet nozzle) Its not mega power im needing. Where can i buy jet nozzles?????
With the filter. :shifty: Pull the spray bar off, and you have your nozzle. If you want the venturi, you will need to drill a 4mm hole into the ellbow that the spray bar used to push onto, and then push some airline into the hole. After this, you need more flow through the nozzle to get the venturi working, so you need to parallel rig the two filters to the same outlet set to double to flow through the outlet to enable it to draw air down the venturi tube :good:

Interesting concept that... I had never thought of using that method to add airation....

At the moment im not using that method im just making it arc up to the surface and this seems to work for airation.

Im taking it some rubber pipe to constrict the flow should work too..???
Just a thought but I suspect that a Fluval *05 series venturi will probably fit on your pipework and give the desired effect?
It may, but the Rena pipe-set would also fit for deffinate, as it uses the same diameter pipe and a smooth pipe also, where as Fluval use ridged... :good:

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