power filter to size tank ratio?


New Member
Apr 28, 2005
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New Zealand
My 'Aqua One' power filter which runs at 400lt/hr seems too powerful for my 14gal tank.
The fish never seem to be at rest and the plants are always moving.
Consequently I have reinstalled my airpump filters to get quieter water.
Is there a calculation to determine what lt/hr power filter required to size of tank?

Cheers Davejey
I have an aqua one in a 40ltr tank.
I have it positined in the back right corner with the
outlet aimed at the back of the tank.
this dissipates the flow to some degree.

I've found I prefer the air driven sponge filters in small planted tanks. I just hide it in the corner, behind the plants and let it work. Does a good job too.
Thanks Wolf, that certainly moderates the flow enough for that tank.
In my small tank for breeding Dwarf Gourami I have used a sponge corner filter, as Fredd suggests.
The power filters are designed for larger tanks I guess.
Thanks guys,
Davejey :)
Ideally you want the volume of the tank turned over 5 times per hour so with a 14g (56L) tank a turn over of 70gph (280lph) is pleanty.

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