Power Filter Advice...


New Member
Nov 13, 2007
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Hey folks. New to the forum here, and I've got something that I would like some advice on. I'm looking to get a new on-the-back power filter (or possibly even one of the new style in tank power filters if they're any good). The one I've got is somewhat noisy, so I'm looking to get something very quiet not so much for myself (the noise doesn't bother me) but for the benefit of my fish (cuz I don't want to stress them out). I've got a 30 gallon tank with 3 Tiger Barbs, 2 Corey Cats, a Bala Shark, a Pleco, and an Electric Yellow Cichlid.

Anyway...I'm looking for a really good filter. I only want to have to buy one once in a great while, so I want this one to last. As stated before, I also want it quiet. Sooo....I'm looking for ideas/advice/comments etc. to help me pick one out. With all the different types on the market, it's hard to know which one is really worth getting.

Thanks in advance.
I've had two Marineland Penguin BIO-Wheel 330 Power Filters for over 7 years now. I highly recommend them. They're quiet, easy to clean, don't need name brand filter materials and most importantly, they keep my tanks very clean.

Before these, I used Whisper HOB filters and while they were okay, that's all they were, just "okay".

If anything happened to either of these, I'd gladly buy another one of the same.

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