Power Failure!

Dec 26, 2010
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Quick Q guys!

What would you normaly do if a power failure developes! Say if there was a loss of power for a good period of time [say 6 hrs] and you had no back up system in place!

I'm currently planning my own back up system but it won't be operational for quite a while yet, so what would be the course of action in maintaining heat and flow!

My current plan would be to run an extension lead from my power invertor in my van just to run the heater and internal pump, but what would you guys do or have done in the past?

Petrol generator B&Q £100 would be an option ;)

it has happened to me and thats why im in the mess im in now. i had a 3 foot sps reef lost power overnight and lost all my hard corals!

this time im usuing battery back ups on my powerheads so there will always be some flow and im looking at a generator too
Also happened to me in December - as soon as everything went out I got a duvet for each tank and placed over the tank - power was off for approx three hours, tanks were fine, but if it had been over night, goodness only knows!!

I did look at buying a generator but in the end didn't!

Seffie x
Right now I would be screwed...looking at the battery back up for my vortech, though. Pretty expensive.
Cheers guys! My current plan involves a diesel battery, power inverter and a step down transformer. The whole lot will come to around £80 from my guy as I can get it all trade but it's when I get round to doing it which won't be any time soon.
I currently have a 300w inverter which would easily run my pump,skimmer,heater and maybe a powerhead for around 6 - 8 hrs on a fully charged battery but it's knowing when the powercut happens and taking action asap.

Anyone else?........

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