Power cut


Fish Crazy
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Jul 16, 2023
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The power in our street is going to be off on tuesday

I have canister filter and also a sponge filter

I have bought a battery pump for the sponge filter is there anything else I need to do
Take the top off your canister and if you can drop an air stone into the bottom so it agitates through the media. Unavoidable sometimes but stressful situation to be in!
It won't be too cold that day, so one thing less to worry about.

Don't feed the fish tomorrow or Tuesday. They'll be fine without food.

If you are worried about the external, you can take the media out and put it in the tank. Sponges will float, ceramic media or anything else with bits will need to be in a mesh bag.

At least you have notice of the power cut not like when the power just goes out.
Do a big water change and gravel clean the substrate either Sunday or Monday so the water is clean for Tuesday.

Clean the filter too if it hasn't been done in the last week. The less gunk in the filter the more oxygen for the good filter bacteria.


If the power is going to be off for a long time (more than a couple of hours) and you won't be home, take the filter media out of the filter and put it in the aquarium. The oxygen in the water will keep the bacteria alive until the power comes back on.

If the power is only going to be out for an hour or two, or you will be home, take the outlet hose out of the aquarium and put it in a bucket. Let the bucket fill with water and then put the outlet hose back in the tank. Pour the bucket of water into the aquarium. Do this every 30-60 minutes until the power is restored.

Make sure you have new batteries or fully charged batteries for the pump. :)

And as Essjay said, don't feed the fish the night before or on the day of the power failure.

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