Power compacts for soft coral...


Fish Fanatic
Aug 9, 2004
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I am considering the purchase of power compacts for my 45 gallon. I would have 2 - 96 watt bulbs, 1 - a 10,000 k and the other a blue actinic.

192 Watts to my tanks comes out to roughly 4.25 WPG

Could I keep soft corals with this setup?
I'm pretty sure that would be fine for some of the soft corals but I can't really tell you which because I don't know.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful ;)
I think I might have to keep the coral away from the bottom of the tank if I use this method. I'm just not sure if this lighting would give 3,000 lux to the bottom of the tank. (it's 24' deep) I'm almost positive that if I keep the coral up high they will be fine, but I don't want to limit myself to this.
Im suprising myself to see how little light my soft corals are requiring. I have soft corals at the far end of my 7ft tank where very little light frommy halides even touch yet they are stioll opening up. I wouldnt recomend prolonged exposure to sure low light but in a tank such as youres with far more lighting than i have in this area of the tank Im sure you will find they will do well.
I think that I may give this lighting option a try sometime in the next month or two, I would like to get my LR, fish, and cleanup crew in first, then I will upgrade from my fluorescent lighting.

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