Powder Blue V Queen Angel


New Member
Apr 12, 2009
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I bought a Powder Blue Tang and a Queen Angel fm my LFS back in March 2010 and introduced them into my tank at the same time. Eveything has been hunky dorey with the both for the last 6 months, however about 1 week ago the Powder Blue started to become aggresive, particually to the Queen Angel.

The result of this is that the Angel fish has gone into hiding and i think has probably stopped feeding :sad:

I dont have the luxury of a second tank to remove the tang or the angel so spoke to my for some advice. The simpliest solution they suggested was to remove the majority of my rock as they felt the tang was probably become terortorial, leave it out for 24 hrs and then put it all back very differently. I decided to do this and at the moment the tank is more or less bare, however the tang is still harrassing the angel fish.

Im really at a loss as to what to do, these are probably my 2 favourite fish and I dont want to loose either of them

Any suggestions as to what i can try next ?????
well im guessing you dont have an 8 foot odd tank, that you would need to keep both.

if this is teh case it will just get worse and worse while they outgrow your tank
well im guessing you dont have an 8 foot odd tank, that you would need to keep both.

if this is teh case it will just get worse and worse while they outgrow your tank

Yeah your right on that one, it aint that big........and why didnt they tell me that at the LFS ?? :angry:

To be fair the Powder Blue aint that big, it certainly isnt as big as the Queen
how big is your tank?

a poweder blue tang isnt the biggest of fish, but they do need a pretty big tank - 6 foot minimum. they are constantly feeding and swimming in the wild. They are also fairly aggressive.

the queen would get massive, well over a foot in length, they are not reef safe and are also fairly aggressive.
The tank is 150l and 3ft.

I previously had a 4ft tank with slightly less water volume and had a Powder Blue in there for about 2 yrs, i moved house and lost all stock in transit ! That tank was more heavily stocked than the one i have now now and the tang never caused any of aggro to the other fish, so thought it would be ok in this one.

The Angel at the mo certainly isnt aggresive at all, infact he's shying away fm a small Chromis !!
you need to rehome them both now.

the queen could get to half the tanks length!

the poweder blue could get to 8-10"

your just going to end up with an expensive mess if you keep them, sorry but get them new homes found its for the best. seriously bad advice from your LFS on this one. i wouldnt go there again if the valued their customers they wopuld have told you honestly instead of trying to get a few quick slaes.

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