Potential Marine Aquarium Questions


Fish Crazy
Sep 4, 2006
Reaction score
Grimsby UK
hi im thinking about getting a marine aquarium early next year.I really like the juwel Vison 180 and i need to know if i need an external filter as the juwel aquariums come with one built in.Also is it easy to set up and maintain a marine tank.Lastly can anyone give me an average cots of a full marine setup with the tank i mentioned earlier and the other conponents needed Thanks
(p.s i want the tank on its own not with the stand :D )
hi im thinking about getting amarine aquarium early next year.I really like the juwel Vison 180 and i need to know if i need an external filter as the juwel aquariums come with one built in.Also is it easy to set up and maintain a marine tank.Lastly can anyone give me an average cots of a full marine setup with the tank i mentioned earlier and the other conponents needed Thanks
(p.s i want the tank on its own not with the stand :D )

Hi, I was going to convert my vision 180 for marine use. I asked on here and was pointed to THIS SITE which is a step by step account of someone converting a Juwel 260. I wasn't planning on a sump because the heater is already concealed in the filter box and also you can fill the box up with whatever you like, biological / chemical filtration. It also tells you the best skimmer to use for the design of the tank.

As for the cost, if I'm not mistaken, a new vision 180 will cost you around £230 ish, and for the rest of the costs, it all depends on if you're planning a sump/refugium, skimmer, live rock etc. It can be done relatively cheaply if you're going for a fish only setup as you won't need to upgrade the lighting on the tank, but once you consider corals etc you need better lighting, and a skimmer would be recommended. Theres also the RO unit to take into account.

When I started looking into keeping a marine tank, I thought it sounded really complicated and difficult, but the more I learn (still haven't started) the easier it sounds. Just do LOTS OF RESEARCH. Can't stress that enough. Good Luck.
external filter
Some say yeas ors say no - If you are going to use one I would suggest only using it for Flow/Live Rock Rubble/ Phosphate Removcer/ Nitrate Remover etc.
as the juwel aquariums come with one built in

No use in a marine setup - best removed & sold on or binned

I think you will have to narrow your questions down for us as there are way to many different options in setting up a marine tank :good:

PS - What are you going to place the tank on - remember it must be comletely flat & use polystyrene sheet :good:

This is a link for converting a 40g tank - it may give you some usefull info

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