Posting Photos Of Tests


Nov 3, 2009
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Due to the faint ammonia reading I believe I am registering on my Nutrafin liquid ammonia test, I was wondering if it'd be of any use to post photos of a test so I could get other opinions on what I am seeing? It's the Nutrafin liquid ammonia test, so it's a clear test at 0ppm, with colour development hinting at a false positive in some instances, or the presence of ammonia. It does not distinguish between ionised or free ammonia.
Quick tip If you do post some pictures do it on a white background so it's easier to see the colours.
Try putting a sheet of blank paper behind the phials.

TheAquariumGuy :D
Please hold the vial against a white part of the test card so that we can see both the color bars and the test rube. Any other way will be pretty much worthless. What ever light the test and bars are viewed in should affect the colors of both similarly. It is important that the reference bars and the vial are seen together. See post #2 here

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