Post Your Jokes On Here

One Fish says to the other "What's a nice plaice like you doing in a girl like this?"

Am I being dumb or did you get the plaice and girl the wrong way round :blink:

Make sure you get the correct insurance for sex your having. Below you will find a list of companies, catering for most tastes....

1. Sex with wife - Legal & General

2. Sex on phone - Direct Line

3. Sex with partner - Standard Life

4. Sex with somebody different - Go Compare

5. Sex with a larger person - More Than

6. Sex in a car - Sheila's Wheels

7. Sex with a someone posh - Privileged

8. Sex with a tranny -

I tried my hardest to "clean" that joke up a bit and still remain funny, although it doesnt have the same effect :huh:

And please dont be offended by any of that if you fall in any of those catagorys.

I myself am a "large" posh tranny, who enjoys "entertaining" his wife, while on the phone drivng my car :lol:

I myself am a "large" posh tranny, who enjoys "entertaining" his wife, while on the phone drivng my car :lol:


If only they had that option for your gender it wouldn't get used much but your Atleast one candidate :rofl:

How much do Cockney's pay for shampoo?

Pantene ;)
My friend makes these ones to annoy my other friend. :rolleyes:

What's red and smells like blue paint? Red paint!

What isn't black or white, but red all over? Red paint!

What's red and smells like red paint? Red paint!

And the list goes on and on...
- A man walks into a fish and chip shop carrying a fish in his hand and says "do you serve fishcakes in here?"

- The owner replies "no".

- the man says "oh, that's a shame its his birthday today!"

Opened up a thread like this is 'Discussion' - should've done a search for alike threads beforehand :crazy: :good:
When I left home, my parents said 'Don't forget to write'

I thought, that's pretty unlikely... I've been doing it since I was 6 or 7....
A baker decided to rob a bank, he was quickly caught and questioned about his motives, he sighed and explained "I only did it cos I knead the dough" :lol: :fun:

*sigh* :unsure:
A grasshopper hops into a bar.
The bartender says "Hey! We have a drink named after you!"
Grsshopper says "You have a drink called Steve?!?!"
A Duck walks into a bar and he says to the barman "You got any bread?", to this the barman replies "No, we're a pub. We don't serve bread." So the duck walks out.
Now this carries on for a week, the duck walking in, asking for bred and the barman saying no.
On the 7th and final day the duck walks in and he says to the barman "Got any bread?", now the barman is very angry with the duck so he shouts back "Look I've told you for the last week, I don't serve bread! If you ask again I'll nail ya beak to the bar!" so the duck replies "Got any nails?" The barman becomes confused and says "No, why?" so the duck replies "Good. Got any bread?"

Hope ya'll like it :)

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