Alright things r just always look bad on my 25g after getting Clown loaches in. They first tearing down my plants and bullying my tetra. And now I dont know if one of my neon is getting the uncurable tetra disease. He is looking fine every where no sign of lossing color but just above his glow light their is a kind of small area which looks like scale loss and the color is alittle lighter then area with those gray scale but does not looks like pike or white color. I had experiance tetras disease many time and each time I wand up lossing alot of neon. Any one have the similar problem like this before the neon right now is great no sign of hiding/not grouping with other/not eating infact it very attive with others and run every where in tank. Or is it just me being too sensetive?(maybe r those stupid clown I bought as they might landed a bite on my neon as they chase them ).