Possible Stocklist For The Cube..


Fish Crazy
Aug 25, 2006
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what do you guys think about this stock list for my new cube tank? any compatibility issues? this will be a fowlr tank

Dragon Wrasse

Niger Trigger

Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish

Humu Humu Trigger
Personally I wouldn't put either of the triggers in there as I think it's a bit too small.

I love lionfish though. I personally would have a few dwarf fuzzy lions or maybe 1 Radiata lion (pterois radiata) with possibly a sailfin scorpionfish (amblyapistus taenionotus) or if you wanted some more colour a Valentini Puffer (canthigaster valentini)

I'd maybe consider a snowflake eel (echidna nebulosa) :good:
well theyd have a home when they outgrow this tank..id get them under 2" to start out. thanks for the input
as i said above they will have a bigger tank to move into when they outgrow the 44..id buy them under 2" to start off
Well as long as the tank you'll move it to will be fowlr and not have anything small enough to fit into it's mouth the wrasse is an option.

Apparently though you need to make sure that the substrate is pristine as they are prone to picking up infections when burrowing.
Ever seen a dragon wrasse throw rubble around the aquarium? Its a sight to watch. As @ombomb mentioned, as long as its in a FOWLR, go for it :D

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