So I done a water change today and as I was vacuuming the sand I noticed that the substrate has turned a blackish colour and the water coming out stank a bit.
I have about a 2" sandbed. I read this could be a buildup but at this point I had all ready moved most of the sand about cleaning it.
I am now expecting to wake up tomorrow and find everything dead is there anything I can do?
I am vodka dosing so that should help to fight off some of the toxins also I have set my skimmer to max to help try and pull some of it out.
I have about a 2" sandbed. I read this could be a buildup but at this point I had all ready moved most of the sand about cleaning it.
I am now expecting to wake up tomorrow and find everything dead is there anything I can do?
I am vodka dosing so that should help to fight off some of the toxins also I have set my skimmer to max to help try and pull some of it out.